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Infrastructure Development
Development Consulting



Indicative Project

Infrastructure Project Facility (IPF) for the preparation of Western Balkans Investment Framework (WBIF) investment projects in the fields of transport, energy, the environment and social sectors in the 7 Western Balkan countries.
06/2008-06/2014 The Project Objective has set up an IPF to support the preparation of WBIF investment projects in the fields of transport, energy, the environment and social sectors in the 7 Western Balkan countries, including a broad spectrum of infrastructure projects, like road and railway, high voltage transmission, electricity distribution and renewable generation, water supply and waste-water treatment, education and reclusion centers, hospital, etc. The services provided included wide range technical assistance, execution of studies (pre-feasibility, feasibility, financial affordability, environmental, social and regional impact assessment, technical design according to standards and construction legislation, budget and financing plans, preparation of tender documents), provision of support during contracting and implementation of works, capacity building and training to enhance stakeholder engagement, interaction with the EC and IFIs, development of relevant skills.