The financial sector in countries affected by the broader economic crisis has been suffering from liquidity and credit risk problems as well as hits on the asset (investments) and liability (deposits) side of the bank balance sheets. This situation is leading to the adoption of radical measures involving the consolidation and rationalization of the banking system in combination with a stronger involvement of the state in exchange of recapitalization support via domestic or international funds.

The result of this situation is the emergence of a significantly changed banking sector enabled to address the new opportunity landscape that is developing after the crisis.

The following services are essential to support such transformation roadmap:

  • Strategy alignment
  • Business and financial planning
  • Corporate restructuring
  • Operational and organizational transformation
  • Information systems consolidation
  • Human Resources alignment
  • Change management
  • Project management and integration

Being extensively involved in providing a large array of services in financial institutions and having the capability to join forces as needed with leading international partners, we can stand as a trusted party through the whole transformation cycle either in support of any financial institution involved, or of the competent state and regulatory authorities.